Registration page for the Friends of Boy Scout Troop 340 9th Annual Golf Outing, held at Greystone Golf Course on October 9th, 2024.
9:00 a.m. Shotgun Start
Register as a player or as a team. $175 per golfer / $670 for foursome
Includes: ∙ Continental Breakfast ∙ Hot Dogs at the Turn ∙ Free Beverage Cart on the Course ∙ Lunch ∙ Prizes
Not playing? Join us for lunch! ($60)
You may also choose a sponsorship level. To register a sponsorship, choose the appropriate sponsorship level. Thank you for your kindness and generosity!
Hole Sponsor: $100
Tournament Sponsor: $500
For more information, please contact Jason Acierno:
717-873-7459 or